Evaluation 1 : In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
- Title (name
of magazine)
- Mise en
scene of images
- Costume and
- People
- Title font
and style
- Written
- Music genre
and how your magazine suggests it
- Layout
- Contents
My music magazine "Music Generations" front cover uses forms and conventions of real life magazines by using characteristics like cover lines and anchoring texts. I have a house style of mainly red and blue with some back text. Having this house-style will help create recognition of my magazine for my audience so that when they come to buy it again they'll know what to look for and it'll stand out to them. It was difficult to decide a colour scheme for my magazine as it's a general music magazine and doesn't really have a specific type of music that it belongs to or that it shows. I used the mix of red and blue as they compliment each other stand out when mixed. I also used these colours as they are really genderless colours and can appeal to both male and female audiences. Since I didn't have a specific music genre to stay by I had to think of a band/gernre type for my front cover. I went against the information in my research of doing a rock/alernative rock magazine (Which I would have no done a band) and decided to do a pop punk band named 'Anna and the Hunters'. Due to this genre of band I had my model for the front cover wear clothes that linked to it. Lastly to finish off the front cover I got a picture off Google of vampire fangs. I did this because I thought of 'Anna and the Hunters' name using partly my friends name of Anastasia and a character in the film 'Van Helsing' who is called Anna and is a vampire hunter and therefore all this lead to the idea of their band logo being a vampires mouth. On my magazine I have 3 cover lines of other stories that would be inside the magazine. At the bottom I have a strap line that informs the reader/audience of a competition.
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